Lean Manufacturing & Continuous IMprovement

Lean manufacturing tools and best practices identify and eliminate waste while delivering dramatic results through continuous improvement.

The typical results of Lean are often dramatic:

  • Lead times cut 50-75%
  • Productivity raised 50-100%
  • First pass yields increased to over 95%
  • Cut costs or increase capacity without adding resources
  • Positive cash flows
  • Reduce inventories 50% or less — more than doubling your turns

Assessments and Programs

The Continuous Improvement Journey Assessment empowers manufacturers with a simple tool to assess and establish the maturity of your Continuous Improvement efforts. By utilizing this assessment, businesses can not only evaluate their current status but also set a baseline for their Continuous Improvement journey. This invaluable resource serves as a catalyst for restarting and revitalizing your progress, offering a pathway to reinvigorate your Continuous Improvement initiatives for greater success and efficiency. 

Contact us for access to the assessment form, which normally takes about 20 minutes to complete. We can then discuss the best options to interpret your results.

  1. Identify the gaps in the Continuous Improvement principles you have started.
  2. Discuss your current challenges and best opportunities as they relate to Continuous Improvement principles.
  3. Determine which actions will most improve your Continuous Improvement maturity.

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The Enterprise Excellence GAP Analysis is a highly structured, facilitated process designed to identify and prioritize continuous improvement projects, across the enterprise, based on a comparison of your current conditions to best in class across six pillars of Enterprise Excellence including.

  1. Policy Deployment and Execution
  2. Safety and Environmental Health
  3. Manufacturing Operations
  4. Business Operations
  5. Extended Value Stream Management
  6. Plant Results 

WMEP will lead your leadership team in a facilitated discussion of specific questions in each of the identified pillars designed to help you discover and define the gaps in your performance relative to best in class performance. The process will help you document where you are today and develop a plan to close performance gaps.

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Get to know Mark Hatzenbeller

Director of Business Development

Mark has 40 years of experience leading efforts to develop integrated solutions that solve key manufacturer challenges.

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