So what’s hot with Wisconsin manufacturers? What are the biggest issues facing them? Are they planning to invest to solve those issues? How are they feeling about their financial future? How are they tackling long term workforce challenges? The 1Q2024 Wisconsin Manufacturers Pulse Survey has the answers to these and many other questions.
The Wisconsin Manufacturers Pulse Survey was conducted in late March 2024. It encompassed a representative cross section of Wisconsin manufacturers by size, by geography and by type.
In general, Wisconsin manufacturers believe the state business climate is headed the right direction and manufacturers are generally confident in the future. Differences begin to arise when examining top line growth rates, company profitability and capex spending.
The top issues facing manufacturers center around people, top line sales, customers and costs.
When it comes to workforce challenges manufacturers are taking a multi-faceted approach to address long term workforce. Results to key questions varied substantially when it came to size of manufacturer.
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Wisconsin Manufacturers Pulse Survey
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