IPQ Market Measurement Advances Business Goals

Most of us have relied on real-time navigation apps at some point to reach our destination. It gives us confidence that we are on the right course, or in the case of a missed or wrong turn or an unexpected traffic obstacle, it offers a reroute instead of us having to guess what to do next. What if you could navigate your manufacturing business with as much confidence?

You can.

The Never-fail Navigation Tool for Business

Photo of Patricia Henning Strother, President, SCG
Patricia Henning Strother, President, SCG

Our innovative Importance/Performance Quotient (IPQ) Market Measurement Package is like a GPS navigation tool that allows you to see where your business is today and how to reach your intended destination. You may be looking to retain current customers or attract new ones, fend off a competitor, something else, or all the above.

GPS technology can, on occasion, send you to the wrong spot if there are overlapping highways or other logistical challenges, regardless of how cutting edge the technology may be.

However, when the IPQ Market Measurement process is followed without skipping a step, it never fails.

12 weeks and 5 hours

With IPQ, you will know exactly where your company and products are positioned in the competitive manufacturing marketplace, and how best to move forward. This process is implemented in just 12 weeks and is designed to require about five hours of your time.

With our strategic partner, Strother Communications Group (SCG), we provide a package designed to create a clear roadmap to advance your goals and achieve greater success. By uncovering what’s important to your customers, you won’t need to guess on the appropriate strategy. Using the roadmap, an action plan will be developed and when implemented will let your customers and prospects know you deliver on what matters to them.

Where is your business today?

The first step in our process is to get to know you and what makes your company and your products unique. In a structured online meeting, you’ll have 90 minutes together where the SCG team interacts with you and your team to understand your successes, challenges, and goals.

Then they thoroughly analyze the messaging in your market. What do your biggest competitors say to their customers? What do you say to yours?

What do your customers think is important?

The next step is to develop the Importance/Performance Quotient (IPQ) study. During the first meeting, a list of 10 factors will be developed reflecting what you “think” customers find important. But intuition can only take you so far. The IPQ study allows us to listen to customers to hear what they say is most important and how your business and product line perform against those same factors.

Mapping the Messaging Supports Strategy

These steps provide a map of your competitive landscape and backdrop of what customers want. Now, precise messaging and a marketing strategy can be developed to provide a long-term competitive advantage. Practical, actionable market insights and an implementation plan will guide your sales team and allow you to navigate your business with confidence.

George Bureau Vice President Consulting Services

If you would like additional support, the same team who develops the messaging and marketing strategy can implement the tactics to ensure you’re starting out right.

Reach your Destination

The IPQ process identifies how your company’s customers view your strengths and performance gaps. This allows you to grow your market share by targeting customers with the right message at the right time. By bringing the Voice of the Customer (VOC) into your organization, you can make smarter more informed resource allocation decisions.

When you think about refueling or charging the business battery, think about IPQ. This package removes the guesswork so you can reach your destination with confidence.

Call George Bureau today for a free, no obligation initial consultation to explore how IPQ Market Measurement can be used to benefit your business or feel free to contact us.

Contact us for a free consultation!