When in Crisis, Manufacturers Can Look to Kata

January 5, 2023By: Sarah Burlingame There is more to lean manufacturing than improving a few processes. Sustainable lean success requires a companywide culture of continuous daily improvement. Companies that develop their people to think scientifically, using facts and data to drive their decisions, are often the ones that most successfully achieve their goals. Practicing Toyota Kata, […]

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WMEP Manufacturing Solutions announces Chris Baichoo as new Executive Director/CEO

For Immediate ReleaseDATE – 1/5/2023For more information, contact: John Stampen at (608) 698-5282 or stampen@wmep.org WMEP Manufacturing Solutions (WMEP) today announced it has selected Chris Baichoo as its new CEO and executive director. Baichoo assumed the position on January 3, 2023 and brings more than two decades of manufacturing and marketing experience to the job. […]

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Two recent Wisconsin manufacturing industry studies report that investments in automation are important to ongoing success.

84% of Wisconsin manufacturers with over $5 million in revenue, and 61% of manufacturers overall report that automation is important to their companies future according to the recent Wisconsin Manufacturing Report (WMR).  The WMR also reported that 48% of manufacturers expected to increase their investment in Automation, Systems, and Technology.  This, up more than 10% […]

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Key Findings from the Wisconsin Manufacturing Report™ 2022

Most (86%) Wisconsin manufacturers remain confident about their own financial outlook, despite half (50%) believing that the state’s economy is slowing down or in a recession, according to the newly released 2022 Wisconsin Manufacturing Report™.  The 2022 Wisconsin Manufacturing Report™ was developed from interviews with 400 Wisconsin manufacturers and five follow-up focus groups in July, […]

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What level of risk are you comfortable with?

By: Kathie Mahoney I have been thinking a lot about the risks we take everyday. Some we do not even process as a risk. ​​​​​Risk is seen differently from person to person. Some people are comfortable jumping out of a plane. I have an extreme fear of heights. Walking up open stairs sends me into […]

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Manufacturers Identify Top Challenges They Expect to Face

By: Megean Blum and Nico Thomas When Nico asked me if I wanted to collaborate on this year’s challenges blog, my second thought after agreeing to the idea was a scene from the 2007 film “Music and Lyrics,” which I likely have not seen since approximately 2008. Why this popped into my head is unknown but ha! POP! […]

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Wisconsin manufacturing economy resilient and expecting slower, more sustainable growth

Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) Secretary, Peter Barca, and John Koskinen, Chief Economist for the Wisconsin Department of Revenue spoke to WMEP Manufacturing Solutions team members about “The Economy and Its Impact on Wisconsin Manufacturing” on Monday, September 12th at UW Oshkosh at Fond du Lac’s Prairie Theatre.  Secretary Barca’s presentation highlighted the strength of The […]

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A new face—and a new role—on WMEP’s business development team

Meet Craig Fey, WMEP’s new Business Development Specialist There are nearly 10,000 manufacturers in the State of Wisconsin. And although WMEP has partnered with nearly half of them, there are still companies out there who haven’t yet discovered the benefits WMEP can bring to their organization. That’s why we’ve created a new position: Business Development […]

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How Smaller Manufacturers Can Develop Risk Management Strategies for Their Supply Chains

By: Katie Rapp The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light a stark reality about current supply chains. As Nissan Motor Co.’s Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta points out, “The just-in-time model is designed for supply-chain efficiencies and economies of scale. The repercussions of an unprecedented crisis like COVID highlight the fragility of our supply-chain model.” The U.S. […]

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Intro to the AS9100 Standard

If you’re a small or medium-sized manufacturer (SMM) working in the aviation, aerospace, or defense industry — or if you’re planning on breaking into this sector — it can be difficult to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory standards that govern this niche. This is especially true for the AS9100 Standard, a particularly stringent […]

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