Grow Your Company’s Exports with ExporTech™

april, 2025

tuesdayapril15Virtual/ Physical EventGrow Your Company’s Exports with ExporTech™Start growing your business through exporting with a customized, action-oriented export expansion strategy.1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Category:ExporTech,Growth & Strategy Event TagsExportech,Growth


(Tuesday) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Mark Hatzenbeller, WMEP Senior Director of Business Development

ExporTech is an accelerator program designed to help Wisconsin manufacturers expand their global reach. Offering a blend of virtual and in-person sessions, the program combines education, coaching, mentoring, and the development of a customized export strategy. Participants average $1 million in new global sales.

Most companies qualify for a $5,000 WEDC scholarship, reducing tuition to just $5,000.


The program consists of three session rounds with two virtual rounds and one in-person round. Group and customized personal coaching will take place between sessions.

Round 1 - VIRTUAL: Tuesday, April 15 and Thursday, April 17 - Half days from 1-4:00pm
Round 2 - IN-PERSON: Tuesday, May 13 - Ingleside Hotel - Pewaukee - Full day from 8-4:00pm
Round 3 - VIRTUAL: Tuesday, June 17, and Thursday, June 19 - half days from 1-4:00pm

Cost: $10,000 for three participants. Apply for a WEDC Scholarship and save $5,000.