Effective immediately the WEDC working with the Wisconsin MEP Network, including: WMEP Manufacturing Solutions & UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center, is offering the Wisconsin Automation Implementation Grant to help lower the risk of automation technology implementations by providing expertise and offsetting some of the costs. The two-step process enables manufacturers to select the most appropriate technology, plan effective implementation, and receive financial support for acquiring that technology.
The process starts with individual manufacturers completing an AutomationAdvisor™ project with WMEP Manufacturing Solutions (WMEP) or the UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center (MOC), resulting in an automation implementation roadmap with equipment recommended through that assessment. This roadmap lays out a sequenced technology acquisition and implementation plan tailored to the specific operation.
Completing the roadmap makes companies eligible for financial support up to $35,000 for acquiring the equipment listed in the roadmap.

Contact Joylynn Gilles at WCMP with any questions.
Joylynn Gilles
WCMP Director, Stakeholder Relations
[email protected]

Implementing effective technology to improve productivity will enable manufacturers to overcome the long-term worker shortage. Companies effectively adopting new technology and meeting their customers’ needs will become more competitive and position themselves for future growth.
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and the Wisconsin MEP Network will lower the risk of automation technology implementations by providing expertise and offsetting some of the costs. The two-step process enables manufacturers to select the most appropriate technology, plan effective implementation, and receive financial support for acquiring that technology.
The process starts with individual manufacturers completing an AutomationAdvisorTM project with WMEP Manufacturing Solutions (WMEP) or the UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center (MOC), resulting in an automation implementation roadmap with equipment recommended through that assessment. This roadmap lays out a sequenced technology acquisition and implementation plan tailored to the specific operation.
Completing the roadmap makes the company eligible for financial support for acquiring the equipment listed in the roadmap. Equipment purchased or leased between January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025 is eligible for reimbursement of up to 20% of total equipment cost (capped at $35,000 for purchased equipment) or up to 10% of total equipment lease expense (capped at $15,000 for leased equipment), contingent upon availability of WEDC funds.
Companies will be reimbursed by the WEDC, through the Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing & Productivity (WCMP), after implementing the designated automation technology. To receive reimbursement, companies must provide the following documentation and agree to complete the post-project follow-up outlined below.
Information Collected Prior to Project:
- Company Information (Name, Address, NAICS code, DUNS number)
- Project Information (Vendor, Total Cost, Payback Estimated in Months)
Information Required for WEDC Payment Following Project Completion:
- Documentation in the form of an invoice, receipt, or registration form that includes:
- Vendor name and contact information
- Equipment description and cost
- Date of purchase/lease (invoice date or date equipment received by company)
- Completed Automation Assessment with equipment highlighted
- Fully Executed Purchase/Lease Agreement
- Certification of the Final Equipment Cost by the company
- Project Completion Certification by the WMEP/MOC
The WCMP will request reimbursement from the WEDC monthly for companies that have provided their information and documentation to the WCMP. Upon receipt of WEDC funds, the WCMP will process company payments via check or electronic payment through Bill.com.
Company Post-Project Follow-Up:
- Complete the NIST MEP survey
- Aggregate NIST MEP survey impacts will be reported to the WEDC, not individual company responses.
- Provide Payback (ROI) and Labor (FTEs redeployed) metrics
- A representative of the WCMP will contact company for these metrics and will report data to the WEDC.
The post-project reporting is an integral part of the Wisconsin Automation Grant. By accepting WEDC funds for automation technology implementation, the company agrees to the post-project follow-up detailed above. Failure to participate in the follow-up may result in forfeiture of grant funds.
Availability is limited.