Manufacturing Business Blog
Helpful articles from manufacturing experts to help your organization grow sales, reduce risks, and retain employees.
4 Steps to Revenue Growth
By: Patricia Henning Strother • President, Strother Communications Group SCG’s 4-step flight plan is a reliable pathway to reach targeted revenue. This model is particularly helpful for companies seeking dramatic revenue growth. At Strother Communications Group, we help sellers reach…
8 Ways to Improve Your Supplier Selection Process
May 30, 2023By: Art Thomas Credit: iStock/Yuri_Arcurs Many manufacturers have had to make significant changes in suppliers in recent years because of various disruptions. Small and medium-sized manufacturers are often resource-challenged and do not have supply chain specialists to focus…
Industrial Manufacturing is still attractive to buyers in 2023
Industrial manufacturing deal volume declined in 2022 due to uncertainty from global economic and market influences. Rising cost of capital, inflation, geopolitical uncertainty, increased freight costs, and volatile raw material prices and availability is likely to continue to challenge M&A…
Key Takeaways from Manufacturing Matters 2023
Kevin Kane, President – Southeast Wisconsin Market, First Business Bank By Kevin Kane, President – Southeast Wisconsin Market, First Business Bank Coming away from the 25th Annual Manufacturing Matters Conference, there are many things to reflect on. To start, First…
Unique solutions for increasing manufacturing floor efficiency, exploiting growth opportunities and finding skilled employees
Manufacturing companies have faced unparalleled challenges over the past year, directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Declines in production, forced shutdowns, staggered production schedules and reduced employment levels affected the momentum the industry was regaining since 2010. Yet, deals are…
Growth Markets are Critical to Your Success, Especially when the Economy Tanks
By Mark Coronna, Founder & CMO, The Practical CMO INTRODUCTION No one knows whether U.S. manufacturers will face a major recession, or a more moderate economic slowdown, in the next two years. The Federal Reserve cannot confidently project our economic…