4 Best Practices for Better Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning. Rarely were there two words viewed with more reluctance, dread, and disappointment. The process of strategic planning is often considered too time consuming for manufacturers, especially when their immediate needs are more pressing. For others, it’s too intimidating as it comes filled with expectations to conjure up big, bold ideas. As a result, companies will often […]

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When Good Strategies Go Bad: The 7 Deadly Execution Mistakes

Much work goes into developing sound business strategies. Yet when it comes to executing those brilliant initiatives, plenty of organizations fall short. If execution is the secret behind every successful plan, why do so many companies fail at it? One reason is that leaders can be great at designing strategic vision but not so great […]

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Employee Recruitment: Winning the War for Talent

By Chris Czarnik, CEO of Career Research Group, Award Winning International Speaker | Author | Business Trainer | The intensifying struggles facing companies in their quest to recruit employees has been brewing for years, a mathematical certainty three decades in the making. Much has been written about the shortage, but I feel like the person with ice […]

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Want Growth? Move From Startup Plan to Strategic Plan.

A well-written startup plan has its purpose. It can open doors, help secure financing, and lay the groundwork for performance. Once the doors are open, companies can outgrow those early plans as business challenges change. Critical issues quickly migrate from creating a market presence to planning for market expansions; from targeting and establishing a customer […]

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6 Key Signs it’s Time to Change Your Strategy

Maybe yours is a hyper-dynamic market or perhaps there’s an aggressive challenger that’s chipped away your competitive advantage. Then again, what if there’s a significant technology change poised to dramatically alter your industry? Are these signs it’s time to change your business strategy? Maybe. Maybe not. Most companies realize they can’t count on using the […]

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Preventative Measures: 4 Internal Factors Threatening Your Strategy

There’s good reason we’re encouraged to have a checkup with our doctors every year. Potentially unhealthy conditions can go undetected and an annual physical is a helpful way to catch any latent problems early on. The same holds true for organizations. As companies review their strategies, resources and budgets here in the fourth quarter, it’s […]

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5 Reasons to Pursue a Purpose-Driven Strategy

As Simon Sinek recently acknowledged, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy WHY you do it.” That understanding and the competitive leverage it can bring is the foundation of a purpose-driven strategy. To be sure, having a purpose can generate a feel-good effect and provide guiding principles for employees. But upon further investigation, having a purpose-driven strategy can […]

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7 Tips for Establishing Metrics to Keep You Competitive

From metrics that measure the health of your business, to key performance indicators (KPIs) that identify progress toward your business goals, tracking performance is essential in the highly competitive manufacturing industry. Manufacturers that want to stay ahead of the curve, attract top talent, and remain competitive must systematically use metrics to glean a 360-degree analysis […]

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Four Factors for Fueling Transformational Growth

Consider this: Manufacturers that came through the 2008 recession the strongest are those that made aggressive moves during the 2010 recovery and were rewarded from 2011 to 2013 with sustained revenue growth, higher EBITDA margins, and significantly increased ROIC. A similar opportunity is at hand. At first glance, leaders may be tempted to maintain the […]

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