Improving Employee Retention In Manufacturing

Competing for talent in a tight labor market is challenging enough, but once Wisconsin manufacturers have success in attracting employees, it becomes increasingly important to then focus on retention strategies. There are several factors that companies have control over as it relates to retaining employees, starting with the onboarding process for new hires. “This ultimately […]

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Featured WMEP Manufacturing Solutions Staff Member: Stephen Smiley

Stephen Smiley spent a major portion of his career working for a large, multinational corporation revered for its operational excellence before shifting into leadership roles at smaller manufacturers. Smiley has taken that varied knowledge and experience and transferred it to his role as a senior consultant at WMEP Manufacturing Solutions where he works to make […]

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Investing In Manufacturing Automation

Faced with an array of workforce challenges, Wisconsin manufacturers are investing in process improvement and automation as a means of dealing with an increasingly tight labor market. Such steps are often strategic, and necessary, for manufacturers to build capacity and increase output without boosting staffing levels. A first step towards that end tends to be […]

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Promega’s Corporate Responsibility Journey

Questions by Mark McDermid, Sustainability Consultant, WMEP & WBSC Answers by Corey Meek, Corporate Responsibility Lead, Promega Corporation Why and how did you get started on your sustainability journey? Environmental stewardship has been part of Promega since the early days of the company. From restoring a native prairie on the Fitchburg campus to becoming the […]

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Sustainability Driven Innovation

By Mark McDermid, Sustainability Consultant Mark Twain once quipped “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”. Similarly, reports of the demise of sustainability are also quite exaggerated. Sustainability-driven innovation may be a key to both the recovery and resiliency of many businesses as well as growth and competitive prowess. Consider that 62% of […]

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Solutions For Workforce Challenges In Manufacturing

For many years, Wisconsin manufacturers struggled to find qualified workers. Now, they are having difficulty finding merely attracting any employees. “This issue really started to build in the mid to late 1990s. At that time, the cry was manufacturers were having trouble and problems finding skilled workers,” WMEP Manufacturing Solutions Vice President of Consulting Services […]

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Technology Transfer Acceleration by the MEP National Network

By: Brian A. Weiss From my standpoint, technology transfer is not easy, especially when attempting to introduce a new capability or technology into the manufacturing sector. Smaller manufacturers in particular present unique environments and challenges that must be appropriately understood if the transfer is to be successful. NIST researchers have an ally that makes technology transfer […]

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Cybersecurity and Industry 4.0 – What You Need to Know

This blog is part one of a series on cybersecurity and Industry 4.0. This morning my favorite local morning news program had an interesting segment on new slang words and what they mean. While the definitions were probably not necessary for Millennials or Generation Z, for Baby Boomers like me it was an eye-opening vocabulary […]

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Cybersecurity for the Manufacturing Sector: Reduce Data Integrity Breaches with NIST SP 1800-10

April 21, 2022By: Dr. Michael Powell Industrial control systems (ICS) help manufacturers boost productivity, optimize efficiency and advance production lines. Historically, ICS networks were isolated from the information technology (IT) networks and internet, or “air gapped.” Today, air gapping is no longer an effective security strategy, and for various business reasons, many ICS manufacturing networks are […]

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Realizing the Blazing Potential of Promising Workforce Programs

I remember well when the phrase “a thousand points of light” entered regular usage. Popularized by President George H. W. Bush, the phrase referred to individuals and organizations that provide valuable and even life-saving work in communities around the country. In 1990, President Bush founded the Points of Light Foundation. As a kid interested in social […]

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